As Jesus walked past the tree, he SAW Zaccheus.

As Jesus walked in the crowd, he SAW the woman with the issue of blood.

As Jesus walked on the road, he decided to go to a place that his community rejected and he SAW the Woman at the Well.

When Jesus was calling his disciples to follow him, he SAW a tax collector named Matthew and invited him to follow Him.

When Jesus ate at the Pharisee’s house, he SAW the woman who wept at His feet.

Jesus once told a story of the Shepherd who SAW that a lamb was missing and he left the 99 to save the one.

Jesus once told a story where everyone ignored the injured man but a Samaritan SAW him and helped him.

Jesus saw the little boy out of thousands of people and let him help feed thousands

GOD saw a poor peasant girl and called her to be the mother of the Messiah

While Shepherds, the outcasts of society, were in the fields, the whole Heavenly host SAW them and invited them to be the first to see the new born Savior.

God SAW the Wiseman, from a different country, faith and culture, and guided them with his star to see the Messiah.

Jesus saw the leper and healed him.

Jesus saw the demon possessed man and delivered him.

Jesus SAW the crippled man and made him walk

Jesus SAW Judas and washed his feet, let him walk with him, invited him to the last supper and SAW his heart of betrayal the whole time and loved AND DIED for him anyway

Jesus saw Paul on the Road to Damascus and anointed Him to reach the Gentiles

God SAW Cornelius and called Peter to go witness to him.

God SAW all of the different ethnicities on the day of Pentecost and made sure they all heard the Gospel at the same time

When Hagar was weeping in the wilderness God SAW her and rescued her.

God SAW Ruth the Moabite and grafted her into the line of the Messiah.

The list goes on of how throughout Scripture the Lord SAW people who were the outcasts, different, insignificant, or outside of the culture of the Messiah. Often times he SAW people while religious leaders continued to ignore and silence them. Any church or organization that claims to have a Biblical worldVIEW and centers one race, country or ethnicity, while ignoring and silencing ANY human being does not really have a Biblical WorldVIEW. The Christian faith is all about seeing people, loving people, hearing people, healing people and this SEEING is without condition. It is not up to us to judge and reject people. We are simply called to be a reflection of the Messiah’s love for humanity. We boldly declare His Word and Biblical standard so the World is clear of who we are, but unconditional love should always be at the foundation. So let us open our eyes to SEE one another as Christ SAW our sinful souls and STILL gave His life for us.

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