To Classical Academic Press

*Image of the Anam Cara symbol

Redefining Classics was one of the most magical days of my life. I think what made it so precious to me was being surrounded by new and old friends…those of us longing for building fellowship and community that is not about color lines, race, religion or any labels that tend to divide us. We all were able to share our faiths, our stories, our journeys, our beliefs…our HUMANITY in a space of Agape. Unconditional love IS a reflection of GOD…they will know we are Christians by our LOVE! We all just came together because we love the classical tradition and humanity and have a story to tell about how each of our unique human stories connects to this tradition. We told our stories and listened to others’ stories. From the moment that I mentioned that I wanted to do a unique gathering that brought people together around “the fire of the classical tradition” The Classical Academic Press family- Chris Perrin, Joelle Hodge, Jesse Hake, Alex Lash and others, gathered around in support. They sponsored speakers, they texted me prayers, the asked how they could help, they showed up.

This has been the definition of their friendship and it has been a constant source of encouragement for me, Joelle often instinctively calling or texting words of wisdom or encouragement at just the right moment, even though we live in different states. Jesse Hake, ready for a quick hug whenever we see one another (ya’ll don’t know but Jesse is my DUDE!). This is my family. We are family. Today, they just wanted to be present. Chris Perrin did not want to speak, but sat in each session listening, although he is like the GOAT of the CCE world. The humility of heart and love for humanity that resides in his soul never ceases to astound me. These dear Soul Friends, my Anam Caras, I am grateful for your friendship, your prayers, your accountability and presence. They embody what is possible in the classical tradition. We can love one another, talk to one another and dine together through our differences because there is something that DOES connect us. The classical tradition is not just any one person’s story or the narrative of one nationality, it is a tradition that embraces all of our journeys and gives us a space to share these journeys with one another. The Classical Academic Press family have nurtured this space for me and others, welcoming all to come to the table and partake of this bountiful blessing of all of our ancestors, that is the classical tradition.

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